Left: Dottie, Right: Majestica



Calathea has fascinating foliage with beautiful patterns, variations, and movements. Native to Brazil, these are popular plants are known for their striking foliage as well as being pet friendly. At night, their leaves tend to close in a “praying hands” form, giving them a term called the prayer plant. When the sun rises and light floods, they open their leaves again.

Be mindful that Calatheas are sensitive to cold temperatures and don’t enjoy any drafts. They love humid environments so the occasional misting or a placement by a bathroom is perfect.


Bright indirect to moderate light.


Prefer to stay moist, but not soggy. Letting the very top of the soil dry between waterings is okay.


Orbifolia, Zebrina, Rattlesnake, Makoyana, Roseopicta, Majestica, Stella, White Fusion, Dottie, and more.