Turn your space into a jungle…
Houseplants are fantastic additions to your home, whether as living decorations, corner staples, or the equivalent of an adoptive child. Plants are natural air purifiers, so the more the merrier, as we say.
plants ~
Say ‘aloe’ to your new best friend…

Lighting & Plants
Light can be concerning for most houseplant parents, but we are here to help break it down for you.
Low Light
Most are concerned about a low-light room but fear not, there are great plants that can tolerate darker corners or distance from windows. However, it is good to understand the difference between thriving and tolerating. Be mindful that all plants still need light! But if you have a bedroom with one window, your best pals are ZZ plants, snake plants, maranta, dracaena, aglaonema, and spider plants.
Medium Light
North and East sun can provide medium light, but ideally the plants are close to the windows and the room is bright (without artificial light) most of the day. How long can you read a book without turning a lamp on in that room? If it is a good majority of the day, but direct sunlight isn’t coming through, you’re working with medium light. Plants like peace lilies, schefflera, diffienbachia, philodendrons, pothos, and much more do best in this lighting.
Bright Light
We’re talking South and West facing windows with strong sun rays and plants on sills. This means even a few hours of direct sunlight on your plants, which is beneficial to most tropicals. The all-day sun can only be tolerated by a few like cacti, succulents, and ficus, but palms, crotons, rubber plants, dracaenas, and bromeliads are all plants that thrive in bright light with 2-3 hours of direct every day.
Info Sheets
Need specific houseplant care? Check out our information sheets for expert advice and care on houseplants such as peace lillies, snake plants, cacti & succulents, and much more…
Re-potting Services
Don’t want to bother? Let us do it for you! We can re-pot your giant ficus, bird of paradise, or dracaena at-home, or bring your babies in store for a quick TLC in our greenhouse.
Don’t forget the necessities.
The best fertilizers and soils on the market.
Have more questions?
We are here to help! Reach out to us with your concerns about your plant babies and we will assist in any way we can.