Plants, Decor & More
Your Perfect Garden
Annuals are plants that live and thrive for one growing season. Good Earth offers a wide variety of annuals to meet your landscape needs and we proudly offer a 30-day guarantee on our annual plants.
Perennials are plants that come back year after year. They grow and bloom over the spring and summer then die back every autumn. Perennials are the backbone of every successful landscape and garden border. Good Earth proudly offers a One Year Guarantee on our perennial plants.
Roses are the beauties of the spring and summer time, and we stock up on them beginning in May. We offer different varieties such as climbing roses, floribunda roses, knockout roses, grandiflora roses, and much more.
Want to grow your own fruit? We carry a wonderful selection of fruit trees and bushes that thrive in this area. Grow your own apples, pears, peaches, persimmons, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and figs.
We have various trees and shrubs to meet your landscape needs, such as boxwoods, hollies, magnolia, crape myrtles, junipers, and more. We carry deer-resistant, low maintenance, seasonal color and screening trees and shrubs. Good Earth proudly offers a 3 Year Guarantee on most of our trees and shrubs.
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