Planting & Watering
Watering Guide
Water your newly planted tree or shrub by using a slow, deep watering method. B&B and container plant roots dry out faster than the soil around them, so it is important to monitor their soil moisture.
Water Slowly
Water slowly to attain deep water penetration which encourages widespread root development.
Taper the Watering Schedule
Taper the watering to every 7-10 days to force the plant to seek water. During hot, dry periods you may need to increase frequency. (Newly planted trees and shrubs need about 1” of water a week for the first growing season).
Use Correct Hose Setting
Using a Soaker hose or Gator Bag helps accomplish deep water penetration and reduces water runoff.
Use a Fertilizer
We highly recommend using Root Master B1 every watering for the first month. B1 stimulates rapid white hair root growth (the roots that absorb water).
Remember, if it rains for less than 1 hour, it probably was not enough water for a newly planted shrub or tree.
Watering…with coffee
Our owner, Dave, can walk you through a visual process of watering a newly planted tree. Check it out!
Water Often
Not accounting for rain, you will need to water every 1-3 days during the first 2-3 weeks. Then every 3-4 days for the summer. Most newly planted trees and shrubs need 1” of water every week.
Planting Guide: Trees & Shrubs
1. Before you plant…
Always plant in a well drained soil. To test for soil drainage, dig a hole for your new plant and fill it with water. If the water doesn’t drain in 12 hours, the soil in that area will need to be amended dramatically.
4. Placing Your Plant in the Hole
Remove all tags, wires or ropes from the stems or trunk, and do the following:
Balled & Burlapped Plants: DO NOT remove the wire basket. Once the enriched soil has been placed ¾ of the way up the root ball, cut & fold down the top ¼ of the basket & burlap, remove any strings around the tree trunk. Fill the remaining hole with enriched soil to its original level.
Container Plants: Ease the pot off without disturbing the root ball. If the roots are extremely compacted, you may need to break up the bottom 3rd of the root ball to loosen the roots up.
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2. What Plant form are you installing?
Your tree or shrub will come in two forms: Balled and burlap (B&B); or containerized.
Containerized or B&B plants can be planted anytime the ground is not frozen. If possible plant your tree or shrub as soon as you get it home. Otherwise, it may dry out and become injured. If you can’t plant it immediately, place it in a shady and/or sheltered location. Keep the soil moist until planted.
5. Mulch & Water
Mulch the new plants and water, soaking the entire planting area as well as the newly planted root ball. Refer to above for more watering guides.
3. Planting Hole Guide
To plant your tree or shrub:
Dig a hole twice as wide as the diameter and ONLY as deep as the pot.
Replace the soil with 50% of the existing soil with 50% of the new compost.
Add enough mixture so the plant will sit 1-2” above the existing grade.
Once the plant is placed in the hole, the top of the root ball should be slightly above or level with the surface of the ground.
6. Staking
Unless necessary, trees should not be staked. If your tree or shrub is top heavy or in an exposed area, you may stake the plant to anchor the root ball so roots can develop rapidly into the new soil around the tree. Connect the stakes to the trunk with flexible lines and straps designed for this use. Allow for some movement in the plant for strong growth. Remove the stakes and lines after one growing season so you do not inhibit trunk development.
Planting Guide: Perennial & Annual Plants
1. Picking a Planting Location
When picking a planting location, consider the mature height of the plants as well as the sun or shade requirements. Then place your plants around the planting area while still in their pots.
4. Planting Guide
Place your plant into the hole. Add the enriched soil to ground level. Water the plant thoroughly to ensure the soil fills in completely around the roots, eliminating air pockets.
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2. Planting Hole Guide
Dig a hole 2 times the width of the pot & 6”-8” deeper to replace the first 6-8 inches of existing soil. Add a generous amount of Bumper Crop to enrich the soil. Blend into the soil.
5. Add Rootmaster
Apply Rootmaster B1 at this time. Reapply Rootmaster B1 at every watering for the first year. Monitor your plants daily.
3. Water before Planting & Check Roots
Water your plants thoroughly, then remove them from their pots by inverting them and supporting the root ball. If the roots are compacted, you may need to make a few shallow cuts through the roots on the side and bottom of the root ball to encourage roots to grow into new soil.
6. Water and Fertilizer
Water slowly to attain deep water penetration which encourages widespread root development. Feed annuals and perennials bi-weekly with Bud & Bloom fertilizer. Add a 1”- 3” mulch layer around the plant. This will prevent water loss and keep mowers & trimmers from getting too close to the plant. Avoid overly deep mulch against the stem or trunk of the plant, as this can promote disease or pest injury.
Animal Protection
Protect your trees, shrubs and garden plants from animal damage with monthly applications of Deer Scram Granular Repellent or Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent. Both are very effective to deterring deer and rabbits for up to 1 month when used as directed. Ask us for more details.
Our Gaurantee
All trees and shrubs purchased at full price are guaranteed for 3 years from date of purchase provided they are planted in ground and receive reasonable care. Perennials, rose bushes, fruit trees & groundcovers purchased at full price are guaranteed for 1 year. Annuals & houseplants are guaranteed for 30 days. All plants will be replaced with a like plant, one time, provided the plant is returned with original receipt within the specified time period. Guarantees do not apply to replacement plants or plants purchased at a discounted price. We cannot guarantee plants from animal damage.