Croton Petra


Codiaeum variegatum

Crotons are the sunset-colored wonders of the houseplant world. Native to Oceania, this plant thrives in all tropical environments located in zones 11-12. They can be found as landscape shrubs from Florida to Costa Rica, dazzling the yard with their stunning foliage.

The brighter the light, the more colorful they grow. In Maryland, they can be used in sun-loving container gardens during the summertime, and brought inside once the temperatures drop around 50. They love all kinds of humidity, which means they want to stay relatively moist. It can tolerate moderate light but will be more green. A bushy habit is the main form of growth, but they can get quite big if happy enough.


Bright direct to moderate light


Keep soil moist but not soggy. Prefers humid conditions.


Mamey, Petra, Magnificent, Zanzibar, Gold Dust, and more.