Delivery & Installation
We strive to give outstanding service every day.
Need mulch and don’t want to dirty your car? Our Potomac garden center offers delivery to anywhere in Montgomery County. Mulch, trees, shrubs, flowers – whatever you need to be delivered to your driveway. Delivery is driveway drop-off only.
Delivery …………………………….. $35.00
Delivery (2-Man) ………………… $59.00
Free delivery on any purchase of $300 or more.
We will install any tree or shrub purchased from Good Earth. This includes delivery, soil conditioner, and mulch. All trees & shrubs are guaranteed for 3 years. Deliveries and installations are from our Potomac Location only. Minimum installation fee is $75.00.
*Certain larger items may have restrictions. Prices are shown for installing in a mulch/bed area. Grass installs are slightly more.
1-2 gallon pot
3-5 gallon pot
7-gallon pot
10-gallon pot
15-20 gallon
Larger Custom
XL-XXL Custom
Price as marked
Price as marked
Contact us…
(301) 765—0224
11650 Falls Rd
Potomac, MD 20854