Crassula Standard


Crassula ovata

An easy care and well-known succulent that is said to bring luck and prosperity. Jade comes in all shapes and sizes but is known for its green round leaves and wriggly stalks. Native to South Africa and Mozambique, they make great beginner houseplants for those dipping their toes into succulents and drought-tolerant options.

Best kept away from pets, so they are a perfect addition to a windowsill or bookshelf. Like any succulent, they store water in their leaves and when dry, begin to wrinkle as they take from their reservoirs. When the leaves become wrinkly or squishy, best to give it a good soak. Use a sandy growing mix and prune leggy growth when necessary.


Bright indirect to moderate light. Will tolerate a couple hours of direct sunlight or filtered light.


Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.


Standard Jade, Variegated, Crosby’s Compact, Pink Beauty, Gollum, Elephant Foot, and more.