Sansevieria Zeylanica & Laurentii

Snake Plant


As one of the most common and well-loved easy care houseplants, Sansevieria holds a versatile standing. This plant is adaptable to most environments, drought tolerant, and can withstand a wide variety of lighting, from low to bright indirect light. It is considered one of N.A.S.A.’s top air purifiers and can bring lovely texture to any room.

Snake plants stay relatively compact in width, but can get fairly tall in height (3-4 ft at most). Some new growth can flop and become leggy, but it is easy to prune from the bottom.

Browning on the tips is normal, typically indicating a water fluctuation. This plant is best kept away from pets. Sansevieria rarely need to be re-potted, as they prefer to stay rootbound in a tight pot.


Low to bright indirect light.


Let the soil dry completely and then water thoroughly.


Laurentii, Fernwood, Cylindrica, Black Coral, Futura Superba, Zeylanica, Green Robusta, and more.